80's Treasures
Sunday 2nd June 2013
I've been going through some boxes from my parents attic and I've found some amazing things. ('Amazing' here just means, 'of significance to certain types of children of the 80's').
People said I was a fool to never throw things away, but where's THEIR signed photo of Gorden Kaye from Allo Allo? Exactly.
Just by holding onto to things for way too long, I have made myself a little time capsule, so I thought I might blog about some of the funnier items here, when I have time.
When I was 9, I was a huge fan of 'Allo Allo.' (Partly, I admit, because when you did impressions of the comedy accents in the playground, you kind of got away with swearing: 'I vos just pissing by ven I heard a shit!' - remember 80's and 90's kids? It was great wasn't it?)
(Apologies to any younger readers, I know times have moved on and now you only like really sophisticated comedy, like Mrs Browns Boys and stuff).
I remember getting this photo really clearly. Rene (that's his real name, I still don't see why we have to call him Gordon all of a sudden ) was really nice in person. He even pretended to be French and kissed my hand in character. And he was very patient and kind to all the kids that queued up for ages to get his autograph.
And the thing is, I kept that photo up on my bedroom wall for ages after that. I kept it up there for what you might call, 'way too long' in fact.
By the time I was 13 people would come round and say, 'Is that?....Um.....why have you got a signed picture of Rene from 'Allo Allo' on your wall?'
And because I was not in any way cool, and still liked 'Allo Allo' completely un-ironically, I'd reply, 'Oh that? Yeah, I met him once.' like I was some kind of Bigshot, with connections to the stars.
We'll always have... some time in June or July in about 1990-1? (I'm guessing) Rene, we'll always have that.
Award Winning! 'You're Not The Boss Of Me' wins Best Laugh Out Loud Book for Teens at the 2024 Lollie Awards.