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My Favourite Thing To Ever Happen In A Cathedral

Monday 2nd September 2013

We went to the Cathedral of Amalfi. It's old and beautiful and impressive and all those things. Sometimes I like to pretend I am educated enough to get off on architecture, but I was soon distracted by a man doing what I think was a brilliant thing.

It was this man. I don't know him, and he's quite far away in this picture, as it seems kind of rude to just post a stranger online. But it's way polite if you do it from a distance so that no one can recognize him. Right? Right.

He was posing with the Madonna and Child statue as if they were real celebrities that he was super excited to meet. It was like he thought he was at Madame Tussauds, and thrilled to stand near the wax Beatles.

I used to work developing photos, so I know how everyone does the same pose by each celebrity, and they all pose 'ironically' like they were there in the center of things. (Except the Kylie wax statue on all fours - all the men stood behind her like they were doing her and were the first ones to think of it).

But this guy reminded me of the people that stood happily in the midst of a pop group that changed the world, grinning away, and pretending he was in with them, and if anything he was one of the main ones too. It really made me laugh. Which was kind of inappropriate in a Cathedral.

Maybe one day he can trick his grandkids (while they are still quite young) with the picture... 'Those guys were really nice in real life. Yeah, I taught Mary everything she knows, it was actually my idea to go to the stable that time. I let them say it was Gabriel's idea because it was better for PR reasons, but actually, things would have turned out very differently if it wasn't for yours truly.'

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