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Influenced By A Fictional Murderer

Sunday 27th October 2024

I can’t work out if this is terrible, or just peak 2024 where nothing means anything.

I watched that TV show everyone was talking about last month, ‘The Perfect Couple’. It’s one of those shows about fancy rich people who are sort of trapped and miserable, but still rich beyond most people’s wildest dreams. And fancy. So fancy. Or at least snobby. Also in this show, there’s a murder.

Obligatory *Spoiler alert* warning. (If you haven’t seen it yet and don’t want to know who the murderer is).

It’s quite a classic whodunit. Each episode we get closer finding out who the murderer is, while also acquiring tea on which characters are fucking each other. What’s not to like. Also Nicole Kidman is in it, and everyone is good in it.

So on to the influencing.

A lot of the characters are terrible people, but terrible people who know about the finer things in life.

There’s a scene where Dakota Fanning’s character is helping the best friend of the murdered woman pack up her things. Dakota sniffs a jumper, names the perfume she recognises (Blanche eau de Parfum) and says, “The literal best.”

I was thinking, “Huh. that’s a good perfume is it? I’ve been looking for a new scent…”

And so I asked for that perfume for my birthday.

I’ve done my spoiler disclaimer, but yes, Dakota Fannings’s character (Abby Winbury) turns out to be the murderer.

So now every time I spritz myself in my new fragrance, I think, “I was influenced to try this by a fictional murderer.”

I am so fancy. As fancy as some of the worst people ever.

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